Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Globalist Nuke-Free Future: Eden for Idiots

I suppose that the globalist “vision” is not necessarily all bad. I can see how some people—how a certain kind of person (the kind whom I would never number among my closest friends) would consider it a good thing. If the entire planet is ruled by an elite of the wealthy and the powerful (some of whom will enjoy vestigial “election” to office for a while by a dull populace expertly manipulated by bread and circuses), then nuclear war would cease to make sense. Only the wealthy and the powerful would have access to black boxes and red buttons… and why should any of them want to incinerate the great global goose laying golden eggs by the billion? Standing armies will be replaced by riot police, for the new enemy will be the unskilled masses that demand sustenance of every kind from the system while putting nothing essential into it. We may survive as a species indefinitely under this scenario… some of us: members of the elite and their friends. The mob will eventually be controlled (as it is already being controlled in “developed” nations) by birth control. It will pose a diminishing threat, that is, because its numbers will steadily diminish. In the meantime, a pandemic such as “bird flu” (which has once again broken out in India) will most certainly thin the ranks of the poorly insulated and inoculated within the next two decades. Outbreaks secretly introduced and “managed” by the elite need not even be the means of delivery. Never have so many with such poor hygiene traveled so far so often at such close quarters and so profligately overmedicated for rather minor ailments—you could not possibly devise a better scenario for breeding a global scourge.

The rash of “bail-outs” currently underway, blessed by every globalist/elitist from the Clintons and the Bushes to Barack Obama and John McCain, will most assuredly accomplish two things: put more power in the hands of centralized government and put the U.S. economy more firmly in the hands of the PRC’s government. I haven’t heard any elected official display enough honesty to say it in so many words… but the idea is to bury the Chinese under so many of our IOU’s that they can’t afford to let us go under—while the Chinese, in return, will be so heftily shored up by our continued outsourcing of industrial and high-tech jobs (a trend which NO speaker at any rostrum proposes reversing) that they will feel some bang in our dying buck. “Interdependency”, Bill Clinton calls it. Think of a wino with an inexhaustible stash of crack, and a crack addict with perpetual access to a brewery: the paradigm for peace in our time.

This WILL happen: it is already happening. To discuss whether or not small businesses will continue to flourish in this environment is analogous to a bunch of Tyrannosaurs discussing whether they can find more duckbills to devour farther south after the sky has already clouded over from the meteorite’s impact. You can’t put the dust back in the hole.

Obama advisor Robert Reich has already spilled the frijoles in declaring this week that special care will be taken to give MINORITY construction companies a big fat piece of bail-out pie as an epic program of public works unfolds. The recent exodus of illegal workers will be reversed, and from their numbers will be culled millions of new voters who won’t speak English, can’t ready any language, and never say no to a “stimulus” check or free beer: precisely the kind of constituency that the elite wishes to nourish until the imminent day when all elections are canceled.

Sports, at least, will be a booming industry. As the Roman elite knew, nothing placates an unruly, pampered proletariat like a day at the Coliseum. My son, the athlete, would do well to keep working on his switch-hitting and his submarine pitch. I love him dearly; and while I am fully convinced that the unexamined life is not worth living, I am just enough of an Aristotelian line-scuffer that I would prefer for the boy to relish virtue with a roof over his head.

Porn will continue to be a growth industry, and for the same reason. So will brewing and distilling: so will the manufacture of recreational drugs. (Another partial antidote to our economic misery that you will never hear seriously considered: the legalization of such drugs to create tax revenue, empty prisons of non-violent offenders, free police to do their real job, and knock the bottom out of the black market. Drug cartels would gun down any politician who effectively characterized the fight against them as anything less than a moral crusade.) Entertainment of all kinds will thrive all the way to that misty ceiling, The Foreseeable Future.

Wild cards: radical Islam, which likes to blow things up even (especially?) in the best of times; the Energy Revolution, which may put so much wealth and independence into the hands of people so removed from the settled elite (wind-farmers, geyser-cappers, lightning-harvesters) that the balance of power could shift; genuine religious faith, which sometimes makes people willingly lie down in front of trains or tanks.

But until and unless some of those cards start to emerge from the deck, prepare to be looked after, made happy, and generally “managed”. Prepare to accept the mass definition of happiness. Anticipate credit-card-like tokens which you receive from the government as you used to receive a salary from your employer, good for X dollars of approved food at your grocery store, X tickets at your local arena or stadium, X fill-ups of approved fuel, etc., etc. And when the card just doesn’t allow you to feed your one permitted child, prepare for the Big One—the “natural disaster” that will leave behind a more manageable number of “proles” like you and me. Impact has already occurred. You can’t get the dust back in the hole.

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